A product of Turkey Hill (who also makes the popular Phillies Graham Slam ice cream), the Phillie Phanatic Double Play is a "Bavarian cream-flavored light ice cream with caramel corn and caramel swirl."
“After a season like last year, we knew we’d have to step up to the plate with a
little something extra and that’s why we developed the new flavor,” said Turkey
Hill President Quintin Frey, adding that a lot of thought went into creating a
flavor for the team’s outrageous mascot. “Just like the Phanatic, this ice cream
is a little unusual but it’s something you can’t help but love.”
Where can you buy such a delicious treat? At Citizen's Bank Park of course! Even better; it is in "pint size rookie" form. It will also be sold anywhere you can purchase Phillies Graham Slam ice cream.
After you buy your ice cream, it gets better than having the satisfaction of eating a mouth-watering desert. You get a chance to win Phillies tickets! All you have to do is look at the code on the specially-marked containers of Phillies Graham Slam and enter it on Turkeyhill.com. Every week, four tickets will be given away. A total of 81 winners will be selected throughout the season and the Grand Prize winner will receive 15 luxury suite tickets to a Phillies home game in October. I don't know what sounds sweeter, the ice cream or the contest?
*Swing and a Long Drive is not responsible for dissatisfaction of this ice cream*
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