This page has been a little slow recently, but hopefully it will start to pick up during the summer. I'll still try to keep you updated as much as possible, and the popular "call of the day" feature will continue to run all season, but once the summer roles around, this page will be a lot more active.
All the Phillies blogs in the blogosphere do a great job of keeping everybody updated. Make sure you click the links on the side bar for some of the best blogs around.
Phillies Nation is always up to date with Phillies news as Tim and the gang keep everybody updated. I still contribute to that site, but have been busy lately and haven't contributed as much as I would of liked, but I will be posting there more in the near future.
I know, I know. So far this post has been "me, me me," and you probably could care less, but we have some new things to check out that you can be apart of.
Swing and a Long Drive set up a Twitter page! I'm still trying to figure things out, but click here to follow me.
Don't have Twitter? Like Facebook instead? Join our Jason Donald Fan Club group!
Thanks to all you readers out there! I appreciate you guys stopping by and commenting. Page numbers have increased dramatically since this site debuted. It is not the most popular site in town, and compared to other sites, the number of page views is nothing, but for all of those who stop by, I thank you.
Also, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or any type of feed back, please email me at phanamanda@gmail.com.
Call of the day: In 1983, Ozzie Virgil hit a pinch hit grand slam to win the ballgame.
"One strike to 'em. Swing and a long drive! It might be a slam! It is! The
Phillies win, by a score of 5-3, on a pinch grand slam by Ozzie Virgil!"
What is twitter?
What happened to wi-fi?
And, while we are at it, Atari...
Twitter is just a site where you can update your status and communicate with others.
Wi-fi is just internet connection. (Wireless) Haha.
Amanda-- no worries. School comes first! Keep up the great work!
Thanks MB!
I miss atari.. Gimme some pac man!
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